CARPED’s main focus has been action research on different issues in different places by the staff and international interns of CARPED. Studies help us to understand the gaps and reality, to evolve strategies and action plans and also to suggest, recommend in implementing the government programmes effectively. Some reports are the observations and leanings by the interns, some are a detailed study of the guidelines and reality.
Designing & executing pilot projects to demonstrate alternative models
CARPED is known for designing and implementing Pilot projects to demonstrate alternative models. Projects include :
- Stopping child marriages among Gangireddula community, Successful in stopping age old tradition of child marriages right in their preschool age among nomadic tribe.
- Education to the first generation lambada children by developing temples of learning in tribal hamlets and successful in converting 25 NFE centres into Govt schools for sustainance
- Campaign against unnecessary hysterectomies. First to expose the magnitude of coerced hysterectomies. Study helped NGOs to replicate the model in many states.
- Developing IEC material on HIV/AIDS in a tribal language. First educational film on HIV/AIDS on a tribal language in India.
- Social audits on BC scholarships.